11 Mar 2013

1. Begin from disappointment*

Reflections on The Way of The Outsider

by Monde Mdodana

My way, The Way of The Outsider, is a philosophy that begins from disappointment. Disappointment, that vague feeling of distress over unfulfilment is the first sign on The Way of The Outsider.

The Outsider, he has become an Outsider because of increasing disillusionment; he is becoming disillusioned with himself, he is becoming disillusioned with society.

There is a growing number of these Outsiders nowadays; they can see that society fails to create favourable conditions for the youth, instead they choose to motivate the young by setting impossible standards for them.

But The Outsider is disappointed more with himself. He can see that he hasn't been living his own life; he has been taking his cues from the expectations of parents, teachers and television.

Although it begins from disapointment, The Way of The Outsider is not a philosophy of disappointment, so let it not be confused with a philosophy off nihilism.

The Way of The Outsider is a Creative Philosophy; disapointment is viewed as a positive experience that provides an opportunity for the Creation of new meaning.

* This is a tittle from Martin-Seaver, Madeline's essay on Black Existentialism available here

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