17 Apr 2013

6. The seduction of Somagwaza

Reflections on The Way of The Outsider

by Monde Mdodana

I see Somagwaza walking alone, with the blazing Sun overhead. It was not long before he came across a river, which he had to cross in order to get to his Destination. The Water was calm; there was no turbulence. He was halfway through, when suddenly a soft wind blew and he felt something in the Water tie his legs together, so that he lost his balance. He did not sink however, but merely floated above the Water, and fell into a dream: there she was, sitting on a protruding rock in the middle of the river. She was looking away from him. She glanced over her shoulder, called his name, then looked away again. But he saw her; that brief moment was enough for him to take into his soul all the perfection of her beauty. He wanted to posses her, but he could not move his limbs. No matter how great an effort he put into it, he remained magically tied to the spot. She slid off the rock and turned to face him. Her breasts were round and firm; he could not look away from them. She spoke to him; I am Mamlambo, these Waters are my domain. He was mesmerised, expectant and terrified. "I know who you are, and why you are here", she said.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, you are here because I called you."
"No, I am here because this is where I must cross, I have to get to the Other Side." She moved closer to him, so that her breasts squeezed against his bare chest. Hot blood rushed to his Phallus. Now he could move his limbs, and discovered that he could embrace her. He took her into his arms; she was light and yielding, her skin was soft and electric. He proposed to enter her, and she smiled triumphantly and said to him: "I will give you my sex, enough of it to satisfy your every wish and desire. I will come to you, even when you call me in your dreams. Only, there is one thing that you have to do in order to have me."
"What is it? I want to have you, then I must Journey on."
"I want you to abandon your Journey and go back to your hometown. There I want you to use your Gift to found a Secret Temple for the Mothers, and be that Temple's most faithful servant. If you do this, I will exist for your pleasure, for all eternity."
"I don't have a Gift, I fail to understand you when you say 'use your Gift to found a Secret Temple'".
"You are Self-Seeking Somagwaza! You come from a long line of Gifted Fathers; the potential is there, in your Blood."
"If I have a Gift, and if I have this Gift because I am a descendant of Gifted Fathers; why should I use it to found a Secret Temple for the Mothers?"
"If you agree to do this, then I will allow you to enter me now. On top of that, I will bring you seven times seven Virgins to be your servants and playthings. All these pleasures and more will be yours, if you say 'yes' to the Mothers."

She took his hand and led him to the soft grass on the bank, and there spread out her legs for him. Afterwards, he felt physically weak and inwardly guilty.

Before long he awoke to discover that he was not in the Water where he fell asleep. He remembered his dream and instantly understood why he was where he was. He approached the river with the intention of crossing it and resuming his Wandering. But he soon grew frightened because the nearer he got to the Waters, the more rough and turbulent they became.

Now I see Somagwaza talking to an old man: "Can you see things before they happen?" he asks.
"Sometimes, yes."
"You must have seen this coming then; I fail to understand why you made no attempts to stop it."
"We couldn't, we can't stop her; you're the only one who can."
"You could atleast have warned me about her."
"We had to let you make a Choice."
"So what happens now?"
"Now you have to make another Choice; will you go back to the Womb and live your life a servant of the Mothers, or will you Rise with the Sun and cross the noontide with Him, that you may rest at twilight cleansed by Struggle and full of Repose?"
"But there is too much turbulence, it would be suicide."
"The turbulence is in your mind, not in the Water. You have to learn to control the flow of you thoughts and cool your boiling Blood."
"But how . . . who will teach me?"
"It is night; make a Fire now, and lie down."

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